Money Mail 35


Hello there!

This is Money Mail 35 and the final week on the theme of Encouragement! 

This month’s affirmation is:

I am encouraged.  I am encouraging.  I am encouragement.

Find the image to use as your phone lockscreen here.

Here are this week’s Money Mail prompts…

1. Celebrating my own ideas

Being our own biggest fan can feel like a strange concept - it’s so important and yet we’re not often very good at it.

How much do you rely on other people to celebrate your ideas?

What is it that you need from them that you can’t give yourself?  What does seeking validation cost you?  Time?  Momentum?  

Give it some thought!  

Use the Limiting Belief Release: I can’t celebrate my own ideas / I need reassurance

If you’ve got the Energy Editing Online Course, smash these blocks:

Fears: Fear of (not) celebrating my own ideas / Fear of (not) getting reassurance / Fear of (not) being independent

Emotion: Reassured

Thoughts:  Same as the beliefs above.


2. How do I want to be encouraged?  

Have you ever asked yourself this before?

Receiving encouragement (usually) feels really good.  

But, particularly if we're feeing insecure, it can trigger us into feeling pressured or inferior.  And for those of us with a rebellious streak, it can make us want to quit and do something else! 

Do you know what sort of encouragement you need?

Do you think you can ask for it?

Give it some thought!  

Use the LBR and do these Limiting beliefs: I don’t need encouragement / I can’t receive encouragement 

If you’ve got the Energy Editing Online Course, do these:

Fears: Fear of (not) receiving encouragement / Fear of being embarrassed / Fear of pressure

Emotion: Inferior 

Thoughts: Do the beliefs above as Thoughts too!

Everyone can find the Limiting Belief Release Technique here.  

Have fun digging into those, and I’ll be back with you next week.

Lots of love,
Michelle xxx
PS – Have you got my new Money Blocks book?  Get it for $1 here


Money Mail 37


Money Mail 36