Well hello lovely one!
This morning I woke up with a little bird in my ear. (I didn’t, that would be so annoying.)
Is that the phrase? For when you wake up with a little idea?
Anyway, I knew exactly what I wanted to share with you today!
Blocks to Selling.
Now, I’m going to assume at this point that you know a bit about money blocks and have started digging into them.
So this isn’t about blocks to money (having money, making money, being rich).
I’m talking specifically about selling.
Because let’s face it, it’s pretty fricking hard to make money without selling something.
(And yes, you might be given money, receive money, inherit money, but we’re talking about making it – generating your own source of income.)
Blocks to selling looks like (or sounds like) this:
“I can’t get clients”
“I can’t close a sale”
“Nobody wants what I have”
“People just aren’t investing”
“I think I need to rebuild my funnel”
“I think I need to invest a lot more in facebook ads”
(To give just a few examples.)
Here’s the thing:
When we dig beneath these Sale Fail Symptoms (the joy I just got from accidentally rhyming Sale with Fail is bordering on pathetic) there’s always something else going on.
And it’s generally a lack of belief in one (or more) of seven different areas:
1. Self
2. Product / Offer
3. Price
4. Delivery
5. Result
6. Ability to sell
7. Ability to make money
Let’s break these down:
1. Self.
Lack of belief in yourself can come about any time. It’s often something we pick up when life’s battered us around a bit. We start to doubt not just certain things about our work, but about ourselves as a person – we lose a bit of believe that we’re good, good enough, worthy, capable, trustworthy, competent.
And the absolute fecker about this is that what starts out as a little seed of self-disrespect is watered by the effect it has on our behaviour – so it grows, which affects us more, which provides more fuel… and before you know it, your self-belief has gone to shite, and deep-down you don’t feel like you can do the things you really want to do.
Don’t panic! All is not lost!
Just grab a pen, scribble down the reasons you don’t believe in yourself, get the Limiting Belief Release (link at the end don’t worry) and start clearing those mofos out of your energy!
2. Product / Offer
Lack of belief in your product or offer is a tricky one because it’s often the one (along with ‘Result’ and ‘Delivery’) that people are least likely to admit to. And when we can’t admit to a problem, it’s really hard to deal with it!
If you’ve got a product or offer that isn’t selling, slide it back on the drawing board and assess it neutrally. What’s really going on? Why don’t you believe in it? Quite often it’s for one of these reasons:
a) You used to believe in it and be really excited by it, and you’ve evolved past it (or the people you serve have). But it’s hard to let go of because it used to make money and it’s comfortable, and you don’t want to have to rewrite your website.
b) Someone else helped you come up with the idea and it fits their blueprint or formula and you invested heavily in getting it figured out, so you don’t want to let it go.
c) You don’t like it. Why? Is there a legitimate reason you don’t want to offer it, something you need to improve? Or are the mind monkeys dancing and it’s just a mental game?
Once you get honest about why you don’t feel aligned with selling it, you can move forward!
3. Price
Lack of belief in the price isn’t just about pricing things too high! You can easily have a lack of belief caused by a price that’s too low!
It doesn’t really matter what the price of something is – as long as it’s fair to you and the person buying it!
That’s the absolute key to pricing – fairness to both parties.
The Universe likes fairness. It likes balance. So if you’re lacking belief in your pricing, ask yourself this:
“What is a fair price for this?”
And include yourself in the equation!
4. Delivery
Lack of belief in the delivery of the product / offer. Something often overlooked in selling! How do you truthfully, honestly feel about delivering the product or offer?
You could come up with a million things you could sell, but would your heart sing in delivering them? Are you as excited about a facebook group as you are about getting on a call with a client? Have you planned too many videos when you’d rather write or make audios?
When you know that introducing certain elements to a programme has a really heavy energy for you, you know that sales of those programmes would feel heavy (cue launch-self-sabotage) so you don’t create them!
In conversations with people who are about to launch something and who’ve come to me for a tune-up to get the sales flowing, one thing we always look at is – what’s the part of this you’re fecking dreading doing?! Every single time we can identify it, and either axe it or find an alternative. It immediately raises the energy of the programme and the launch, and I’m sure is a contributor to their ensuing success.
If you’re creating something, what’s the part of it that you’re dreading? (Or that feels heavy or you secretly would rather not do?) What can you do about that?
5. Result
Lack of belief in the results the client or customer will get is a big one people don’t want to talk about. What if I can’t deliver the results? What if I fail? What if I can’t do what I’ve said I can do? What if I’m a fraud? What if my sales page bigs me up too much and it’s not true? What if all the results I’ve got before were a freak accident? What if I’m not really capable?
Woah there Neddy!
Firstly, you have to fact-check and gather evidence: Have you got a body of work that supports the claims you’re making?
(Generally, people have, and the mind monkeys are just being idiots.)
So let’s assume you’ve got the background and the testimonials and you know what you’re doing.
Sometimes reviewing the data is enough to settle the monkeys and you can crack on with it. And sometimes they need some individual attention. So grab your pen and start getting down all your feelings about not being able to deliver results. What are the limiting beliefs that are driving those stories? Get them cleared!
6. Ability to sell
Lack of belief in your ability to sell is pretty common. There are some general beliefs that fuel it:
Selling is hard
Selling is embarrassing
I shouldn’t have to sell
People should just come to me
Selling is dirty / slimy / shady
Salespeople are awful / dodgy / manipulative
(Feel free to pop your own endings on any of those!)
And then there are more specific things that we might think:
I’m bad at selling
I just can’t do it
I’ll make a fool of myself
I can’t explain what I do
Nobody understands what I’m selling
I can’t communicate the value
I’ve never been able to sell
Like all limiting beliefs, these are a pain in the arse because they self-perpetuate – the belief limits our success, and the lack of success feeds the belief, and on it goes.
Break that cycle by clearing the beliefs you have about your ability to sell.
7. Ability to make money
Lack of belief in your ability to make money speaks a little to the money blocks I mentioned right at the start. However, this isn’t just about ‘money is hard to come by’ – this is about ‘I’m not capable of making money’.
See the difference? One is ‘making money is hard for everybody’ and one is ‘making money is hard for me’. It’s personal. It’s directly related to your own ability (and your own self belief).
I’m not good at making money
I can’t make money
Making money is harder for me because _______
I’m not good with money
I struggle to make money
Feel free to elaborate on these! One thing you can do is set a timer for two minutes, and just meditate on ‘What do I really think about my ability to make money?’ See what comes up – you’ll probably find some cracking limiting beliefs to clear.
So there we go – my guide to Blocks to Selling!
What do you reckon?
I would LOVE to know what came up for you as you were reading this – did anything resonate? Which area are you like ‘oh yeah I’m digging into that!’?!
Lots of love,
Michelle xxx