I’m often asked by energy workers how I took my business to the level it’s at now.
So I thought I’d dive into Money Blocks for Healers, and share some insights with you.
This is an issue dear to my heart.
There are so many brilliant healers and energy workers capable of incredible work… who just can’t make it easily pay the bills.
Often we end up doing work that isn’t our soul’s calling, or becoming disheartened with our path, and feeling down or getting sick.
I believe that good healers and energy workers are worthy of fair financial reward, and I want to share with you three of the main reasons you might be blocking money.
Before we dive into this, I’m going to assume that you already meet the following criteria:
- You feel called to help other people
- You serve from the heart
- You would do the work for free (and often do or have)
- You genuinely can create positive change
- You have a documented track record of getting real results
- Other people sing your praises
If you’ve put in hundreds of hours, honed your craft, and refined your skills, and you’re still not making money, this post is for you.
Because if you’re doing incredible healing work, helping other people with their pain, creating space for transformation, serving from your heart and getting fantastic results, and you’re still not making money, there’s a good possibility you’ve got one or more of the money blocks that I see really affecting people in this line of work.
I’m guessing that as an energy worker you’re familiar with the idea of blocks. Just to make sure we’re on the same page:
I’m talking about the subconscious stories that prevent you from making more money as a healer, energy worker, or complementary therapist.
In this post we’re going to cover three main themes that I see messing with the mindset of the healing community:
1. Healers must give healing for free.
2. Fear of being seen as a failure.
3. Working for free during training.
Let’s crack on with it shall we?
1. Healers must give healing for free.
You feel called into this vocation of helping others, and because it’s seen as a vocation or a calling there seems to be a parallel idea that it’s something you must do for free.
I’ve had a couple of clients who have this story really well engrained in them.
In private, on their calls, I’ve referred to it as the Jesus Complex.
This dude, roaming around, healing people for free and being all lovely and just give, give, giving set the bar pretty high for us mortals.
Mother Teresa. Florence Nightingale.
We hear the famous stories of healers and just take on the idea that to be ‘good’ we must be so purely devoted to our work helping others that we can’t ask for money in return.
This way of thinking is flawed. And it misses two essential points:
Firstly, we don’t know exactly what their life purposes were. We can make an educated guess. But we don’t know. Maybe one of their purposes was to leave a legacy of devoting to a cause. Maybe it was to demonstrate what it looks like to give yourself completely to inspire the rest of us to give more than our selfish must-survive-genes would naturally give.
You’re probably not here to be the next Jesus. You’ve got your own life purposes. If you’ve found the work you’re passionate about, you’re allowed to get paid for it. And unless you can turn water into Wifi, and perform other handy miracles, it just makes sense for you to make money.
Secondly, in every transaction and interaction between two people, there’s an exchange of energy. If it’s continuously and repetitively an unfair exchange of energy, it throws both parties out of balance – particularly the one who is constantly depleted.
When you first start out, the exchange of energy might be – you give your healing services in return for an hour of someone’s time and their patience as you fumble over what you’re doing. Then maybe it evolves into exchanging your healing services for someone’s time and a testimonial about the transformation.
Then it has to evolve again – into exchanging your healing services for money.
The exchange has got to be fair.
When you don’t have your money stuff figured out you end up giving from an empty cup.
And then you get tired – physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Your skills and abilities have to be matched by the prices you’re charging – otherwise you’ll end up quitting your practise, giving up on your calling and abandoning this work – and then everybody loses.
The story that healers must heal for free creates blocks such as…
I shouldn’t charge for this work
It’s wrong to ask for money for my gifts
It’s wrong to ask for money at all
It’s wrong to ask money for something I find easy
It’s wrong to ask money for something I enjoy
I just want to help people
It shouldn’t be about money
I just can’t do business
Healing shouldn’t be a business
Healing others must come first
I must help everyone who needs help
I must always give healing for free
Asking for money is wrong
Money is sinful and I must be good / pure / holy
The industry standard is my limit
Other people in my field will judge me for charging more
Recognise some of those?
Get them cleared up!
You might like my Limiting Belief Release technique, which is here. (It’s free and there’s no opt-in required.)
2. Fear of being seen as a failure
This is a block that holds people back in many fields of work, but it really messes with healers.
For us, ‘failing’ has multiple ways of manifesting.
The usual worries – not making money, not succeeding in business, not being taken seriously – all have a darker undertone in our line of work.
Failing as a healer looks like being seen as a fraud, a quack, a cheat, or a scammer.
You don’t have to look back that far in history to find healers (mostly women) accused of witchery and being tortured, murdered, and publicly vilified.
Of course there were ancient customs that would today be laughed at. I’m sure there were tricksters who made all sorts of claims and took advantage of the vulnerable.
However, let’s get one thing straight:
The witch hunts and persecution of female healers in the middle ages had one specific aim:
To remove the power from the hands of women and place it firmly in the grasp of men.
The ‘witches’ were midwives, counsellors, abortionists, healers.
They passed their knowledge to each other and to their daughters.
They delivered babies, saved lives, and gave empathy and hope to the people in their care.
They were relied upon, respected, and revered.
And they were female.
As the feudal system (organising peasants to work for wealthy land-owners) spread throughout Europe, these women were seen as a threat.
And so they were systematically wiped out.
For three centuries they were drowned, hung and burnt alive.
Babies died, children suffered, husbands lost their wives in childbirth.
All because rich men wanted to wrestle every scrap of control from the people.
The healer’s ability was seen as connected to their femininity.
Women were labelled witches, a threat to the community, and a danger to others.
These wounds run deep.
They permeate our lineage, our culture, and our mindset.
Why do you think doctors are predominantly male and nurses female?
It’s a hangover from the long-standing story that healing is only safe in the hands of men.
That women are less than, and can’t be trusted.
The fear of being seen as ‘woo-woo’ or ‘weird’ that keeps you from owning your gifts and confidently sharing your skills isn’t just a mild case of embarrassment.
It’s a dark thread of history that runs through your veins:
If I get this wrong, I will be publicly vilified.
If I get this wrong, I will be killed.
If I get this wrong, my children will suffer.
Before you do anything else, work on healing thisstuff.
You will find layer upon layer of it.
For healers, the fear of being seen as a failure manifests as blocks such as:
Fear of being questioned
Fear of being doubted
Fear of being accused
Fear of being publicly vilified
Fear of being murdered
Fear of bringing disrepute upon my family
Doubting that I am really healing anyone
Fear that I am making it all up
Fear of hurting someone
Fear of being a fraud
Fear of being seen as a cheat
Fear of doing something wrong
People don’t understand what I do
Not knowing how to share my work
Not being able to talk about my work
Fear of speaking up
Fear of sharing my skills
Fear of being called a witch
Hiding but pretending I’m not hiding
Holding back
Fear of ripping people off
Fear of making money from healing
This is our legacy.
Now’s the time to shed this darkness so you can share your light.
3. Working for free during training
You come home from your training; you’re excited and you get lots of volunteers to work on.
They come along, try it out, make encouraging noises (hopefully) and you hand in your homework and give yourself a pat on the back.
And there’s a possibility that you’re training yourself that you work for free (or nearly-free) and not raising your fees in line with your rising skills.
Your teacher will hopefully have suggested you introduce a special offer, or donation, as your experience grows, and that you document your results and keep notes of your sessions.
Hopefully you’ve been documenting your results, collecting testimonials, honing your craft, and building a solid business foundation on your ability to create transformation.
If you can’t make a list of people for whom you’ve done brilliant work, what’s going on?
Is that just a story?
Maybe you need to get back to basics, get some volunteers in, refine your methods, get some advice or mentoring – what are you missing?
Do you actually want to do this work? Do you want to do it in this way?
Don’t be hard on yourself, no judgement necessary, just get honest and get some help – it’s a journey. (Remember, you are not Jesus.)
When you’ve got your list of brilliant work that you’ve done, sit with that. Review it. Recognise it. Integrate it into your belief system about yourself and what you are capable of.
If you’ve changed someone’s life and set them free from something that kept them in pain (emotionally, physically or otherwise) isn’t that amazing?
Isn’t that what you came into this work for?
And isn’t it fair to say that what you have done has value?
Not theoretical, hypothetical, ethereal value.
Solid, tangible, worth-paying-for value.
When you have a solid case load and evidence of your abilities, you are no longer a trainee.
You’re still learning (we all are; one of the joys of this work is that there’s always something new to learn about ourselves and our clients).
But you’re no longer training.
You’re now a practitioner with (growing) experience.
It’s essential that you recognise your abilities, and clear up any ‘trainee’ stories that you’re telling yourself.
There might be a particular passion or skill you have that you want to focus on.
There might be a way of working that you’re just great at.
Perhaps a particular problem you have a knack for solving.
There are people out there who have a problem that has been keeping them stuck for years and you can help them to move past it in a few hours.
Don’t you think they’d liketo pay you for that to happen?
Don’t you think you deserve to get paid?
You might not be a doctor or a lawyer, or have been trained in a male-dominated field, recognised and ‘officially approved of’ by men.
But deep-down you know you have a job to do.
Purposes to fulfil.
There are people that need you.
The only way you can keep serving them is by making your healing work sustainable.
And that means being paid for it.
Here are some blocks that can be set up when you’re working for free during training:
People don’t want to pay
People only want my work for free
People around here (where I live) don’t want to pay
You have to work in London (or wherever) to charge high prices
I just want to help people
I can’t do business
I can’t explain what I do
People don’t get what I do
People don’t recognise the changes I help them with
People don’t take me seriously
People don’t want to invest in this work
People don’t care about what I can do
Selling is sleazy
Choosing a niche is limiting
I should help everybody
I can’t charge people yet
People can’t afford to pay me
Fear of over-charging
Fear of asking for money
Fear of being judged
If you love helping others, you have healing abilities and you have a case load to prove you get results, you deserve to be paid well for doing so.
So if you’re not being paid fairly, or you’re having trouble finding clients or marketing yourself, maybe have a think about the things I’ve shared here.
They affect most healers at some time or another. And if you’ve worked on this stuff and it’s coming up again, get in there and sort out the next layer.
Your work matters.
Please don’t become another healer who closes their practise, or gives up on their dream of helping people at a deep level.
The world, more than ever, really does need you.
Love from
Michelle xxx