It feels like a good day for a bold claim, so I’m putting this out there:
Energy work is the next frontier of our evolution as humans.
Yeah baby.
Because it makes everything easier.
A glimpse into the history books shows that not too long ago, much of the world’s population lived in fear of disease, sickness, and death.
Life, except for the chosen few, was extremely hard.
Every era has a revolution of sorts, a growth in awareness where the masses decide what is no longer acceptable.
Things that were previously taboo are spoken about, ideas are shared, and changes are made.
Life improves.
Often these improvements seem slow, frustrating, and painful.
Yet when we view it from a wider perspective, and compare the advances humans have made in the last 100 years compared to the preceding 1000, it’s clear that things are speeding up.
If you don’t believe me that life is better now than the ‘good old days’, have a read of some historical fiction or factual accounts of everyday life for the average person 90 years ago.
I mean, no running water or central heating. No toilet paper?! Scratchy sack clothes. Open sewers in the streets. And that’s just the everyday stuff, without even mentioning tiny children being sent out to work, domestic violence widely accepted as ‘normal’, and pretty much every other horror imaginable going mostly unchecked and unpunished.
So we are evolving, but what does that actually mean?
At my youngest daughter’s christening day, about nine years ago, I was deep in the throes of depression, and just beginning my personal quest to find out what the hell life is all about.
Sitting in the pub, (yeah, I’m British, we celebrate the birth of our kids with a bit of God, new outfits, and alcohol) with my parents and close friends, I asked them: “Do you think we’ve stopped evolving, now that we’re, you know, humans?”
And Will replied: “No. Now it’s more about the evolution of the mind.”
He was so right.
The little tinder box atop our necks holds the keys to so many of our advances.
In the Middle Ages, the medical community tackled the Church and basically said “We want control of the body. We want to research medicine and new ways of healing, and be the authority on it.”
The Church said: “Aright then lads, but you can’t have the mind - we’re keeping control of that in our domain.”
And there came a widening separation between body and mind, and it’s only in very recent history that the two have begun to become connected again.
Understanding the human body has led to great advances in medical science which have vastly improved the living conditions for many people.
Psychology, psycho-analysis, neuroscience, and other fields of learning and research have contributed to our understanding of what it means to be human, what it means to have a mind - and of course, how the function of our mind affects everything else in our lives.
From the classic placebo experiments, which demonstrate the ability of the mind to heal the body, to the use of visualisation and self-belief in sports performance, the human mind is now firmly established as something we need to know about if we’re to enjoy greater health, happiness, and success.
I see this development in our understanding of human potential as layers in our evolution.
The physical body can be seen, and therefore it’s a bit more obvious that we might learn something about how it operates by cutting it up and seeing how it works.
The mind, though it cannot be seen, is something we all experience. We recognise the presence of our thoughts, and our cognitive development, and it’s widely accepted that taking care of our mental condition, and mental health, is essential.
And the next layer?
A hidden layer, that cannot be seen, and, for the majority of us, is not something we naturally ‘experience’ a knowing of.
The energy system.
You see, just like your body has systems for organising and processing oxygen, food, and hormones, it has a system for organising and processing energy.
Energy, to put it simply, is the invisible stuff we’re all made from.
Einstein’s famous equation, E=MC2, simply means that all matter (stuff that has a physical form, like a table, a pen, or a human) is energy moving at a certain speed.
Now that doesn’t happen by chance.
The energy doesn’t gather together by accident and create a living, breathing, functioning human.
It has a system.
Just like understanding the digestive system is a great advantage if you want better health, understanding the energy system is an enormous advantage if you want a better life.
Because it’s the system that governs everything.
Let me explain…
The system, in its main parts, comprises of an energy field, a set of chakras, and some meridians.
The field is like a bubble around you, and it has layers that each do a different job.
The energy that’s all around us (everywhere) flows through the layers, and into the chakras.
These are ‘wheels’ of energy that emanate from the front of the body.
The energy moves through these wheels, and into the meridians, which are energy lines that run up and down the body. (If you’ve ever had acupuncture, these are what the practitioner sticks the needles in to.)
Why is this important?
Because that system (field, chakras, and meridians) is the blueprint for EVERYTHING about you.
It’s the building plan for your body, your mind, your emotions, and your abilities.
If it’s not happening in the energy system, it’s not happening.
This is why, even though the human body replicates and replaces its cells frequently (you get an entirely new liver every few weeks, and completely new skin every 30 days) the same problems and ‘flaws’ appear in the new organ.
The body is built according to the plans, so if there’s an ‘error’ in the plans (a problem in the energy system) and it’s not corrected, the new building will look exactly like the old one.
It’s exactly the same with your mind – both conscious and subconscious.
This is why you can spend months focusing on changing your behaviour, or altering the way you think about something, and yet you still seem to default to old habits.
Everything you think, say and do is established in the energy system. Every thought pattern. Every belief. Every ability. It’s all ‘written’ in your energetic blueprint.
Now you might be thinking, fecking hell, this is a nightmare, I’m chained to my energy system and it’s clearly full of flaws, blocks, and problems.
Hold up!
Let’s spin that another way…
O to the M to the G. This is brilliant. The things I find hard, can become easy, if I just make some changes in my energy system.
Simply by acknowledging that there’s another layer of you, and understanding that this layer of you is running the show, you can stop arguing with the monkey and deal with the organ grinder instead.
You can stop battling your body, demonising your thoughts, or lamenting your struggles, and instead, go straight to the root of the issue, and sort it out!
Everything gets easier.
That’s the whole point.
That’s why understanding energy is so damn important.
It gives you an enormous advantage in this funny old game called life.
And that’s why working with energy is the next frontier of our evolution of humans.
Have you noticed that lots more people are talking about it?
Have you felt intrigued to find out more?
That’s evolution right there.
This phase is going to be exciting as hell.
Michelle xxx