On Monday, my entire website disappeared.
Monday was also the day we had planned to launch the Money Block Sessions.
There were tears.
It eventually came back up, as if nothing had happened. I had some final changes to make to the launch page, but my energy was all over the place.
I told the team "I'm making the call now to launch tomorrow with ease and grace rather than this frantic feeling I've got going on."
Yesterday came around. I like to start the day with thinking and writing, not sitting at the computer, and definitely not making tech changes to my website.
So I did what I do when I have to do something that isn't my top-most-fun choice.
I found a way to make it a treat.
I got a Ricky Gervais stand-up show on YouTube on the iPad, made a massive mug of hot chocolate, and just cracked the feck on with it.
There's a lot of talk these days about following your bliss, and doing only what you feel really excited by, and AMEN to that - most people spend 80% of their time doing shiz that doesn't light them up, and it's not the way forward.
And sometimes, a little tweak in perspective, and the addition of something you do like, can change how you feel about stuff that just needs to get done.
A friend said to me once "I hate wrapping christmas presents."
What? Do my ears deceive me? How can this be?
I asked her: "What's not to like about it?"
"I bloody hate it, stuck up in the bedroom on my own for hours, it's a massive chore."
"Oh mate! You're doing it wrong!" (I'm apparently quite opinionated about present-wrapping.)
"It's all about the set-up. Wrapping presents requires a full take-over of the living room, Christmas films to watch, and lovely drinks like [you guessed it] hot chocolate, mulled wine, or a cheeky Snowball. Then it's fecking brilliant. It's Christmassy."
"Ok. Right, I'm giving that a try."
And she loved it, and now enjoys wrapping presents every year.
Everything in life is about how we approach it, and when we dread a task it pays to ask: What's the actual problem here?
I don't like tweaking the website because when I hit Update it seems to take forever to update, and I'm impatient. The thought of sitting here BORED and waiting makes my skin itch. No way I'm going to skip merrily to the laptop with itchy skin.
That's resistance.
Throw in a bit of comedy to entertain me through the boredom, and it's happy days. Because unlike when I'm thinking and writing, tweaking the website can be done whilst I watch something else, so that's a bit of a treat.
As soon as I thought 'oooh, it's a perfect excuse to stick some comedy on' I was way more keen to get my arse in gear and get the job done.
Sometimes, we've just got to crack on.
That doesn't mean it has to be hard, unenjoyable, or make our skin itch.
Not only that - a positive approach changes outcomes.
Because I was in a happy bubble with Ricky, the website changes were smooth, everything went well, and I was ready well ahead of time.
Now I just need to apply my own advice to (finally) setting up my email software properly so I actually send emails to my lists on the regular.
Snowball anyone?
Huge love,
Michelle xxxx