Money is such a taboo subject, that sometimes even I feel reluctant to talk about it!
At an event in 2016, meeting new people, I was really triggered by the question: ‘What do you do?’
I’d wrestled with the word ‘healer’ for so long, I thought it was a fear of being associated with the stigma of it that was blocking me from being able to easily state what I do.
I’d found some peace around that, though and still my ‘what I do’ statement felt misaligned.
48 hours after the event, I had a breakthrough.
It wasn’t my resistance to ‘healing’ that was the issue. Somewhere along the way, I’d begun to resist talking about money.
The irony?
That’s what I specialise in.
I help entrepreneurs to quickly heal their relationship with money so they can enjoy making lots of it.
And (trumpet-warning) I’m really fecking good at it.
When I first started smashing people’s money blocks, I happily explained it that way and my life was really simple.
Somewhere along the way, I began to feel that wasn’t ‘enough’, that it was shallow, and that maybe it was making some of my friends uncomfortable – and I began to dress it up as other things.
I lost myself.
I started talking about how I work, about the emotional triggers I clear, about what happens to your energy when we work, about how I help people be their authentic selves and get paid lots for it.
And I stopped talking about the juicy stuff; the silent stories that your subconscious tells you about money – and the truth.
When I found and edited my silent story, everything changed.
In March 2014, I was making $50 an hour as an energy therapist, and barely turning a profit, even though I was healing all sorts of mysterious conditions. Pregnant with my third baby, I decided to go on maternity leave and not return.
When baby Jackson was six weeks old, I read The Big Leap, by Gay Hendricks, and he described the ‘upper limit’ concept – that we have a subconscious reason why we limit our earning potential.
Fascinated, I energy-tested for my story. I found this: As a kid, the two sides of my family were very different. One side very wealthy and unwelcoming, and the other side not-so-wealthy and big-hearted.
Completely unaware, I was carrying the belief that if I made a lot of money, I’d no longer belong with the people I love – and I didn’t want to belong with the other tribe.
So I stayed stuck, self-sabotaging and holding back so that my income always plateaued at a safe and ‘justifiable’ level.
Having found the story, I did some energy work to edit it. Within 48 hours, everything changed. I was in demand from clients all over the world, I kept raising my prices and still they kept booking sessions.
When I couldn’t keep up with demand I launched a group programme, and made $45,267 in two weeks. My husband quit his stressful teaching job and we’ve both been at home full time ever since, with him taking care of Jackson.
My business continued to grow and thrive, but somehow, somewhere, I started telling myself a new story about money, that it was shallow and making people feel awkward.
I began to hold back my passion for money.
Until that mastermind event.
When I was thinking about the new connections I made with amazing people who were really interested in what I do, I realised that they all wanted to talk about money, and where they might be blocking it.
And these conversations lit me up, allowed me to share my superpower, and made me remember how much fun my work was when I was totally upfront about my passion.
Here’s the truth – money is a tool which you can use to make your dreams come true.
It doesn’t matter if that dream is a family holiday in Thailand, a bigger home, philanthropy, investing in yourself or your future, adventures, experiences, or anything else you can think of.
Money is just a tool.
It’s a physical representation of energy, that you can trade for the things and experiences you desire.
It’s not dirty, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.
It’s more than ok to desire whatever you desire – and it’s natural to want more – that’s how we evolve!
We’re humans. Our very nature is to keep evolving, to keep desiring new experiences.
Maybe you want less stuff, and more peace or time to be creative.
Great. If you were paid more money for working less hours, wouldn’t that make peace and creativity even easier?
It’s only when we think we can’t have more, or we think we shouldn’t want more, or we worry what other people think, that this aspect of our human nature becomes a problem.
We’re here to enjoy everything this planet has to offer, and we all have unique tastes and wishes, and that’s perfect.
Whatever you desire and wish for, I salute you.
Money is one of many tools that can enhance your life, and helping more of it flow to you easily is what I do.
So if like me, you’ve held back from talking about your unique gift, or you're apologetic for earning or wanting more, or you constantly feel the need to justify the good things in your life, remember –
Money is not a four-letter-word.
Love from,
Michelle xx